道枝駿佑 | Yamazaki Kento & Michieda Shunsuke Short Movie 🔥

道枝駿佑 | Yamazaki Kento & Michieda Shunsuke Short Movie 🔥って動画が話題らしい
This movie
投稿したのが02/02 12:27で9も再生されてるってすごいな
Bimy Reveluv死亡フラグか・・・?
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Hello it’s Micchi kun~💗
Let’s make it come true step by stepHis colour code is Pink and Mitchy is member grup (Naniwa Danshin), it’s just an edit by fans but I personaly wish they can have project together 🥺 please..it’s just too cool !! 🔥
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